At the Oct 20 public hearing, a veteran and counter-protester shared their experience of the convoy.
“During the occupation of our city, I took over a protest organized by other citizens of Ottawa out front of the Ottawa Police station on Elgin St on the third day. And we held that counter protest for accountability up until the 17th of February.
What I witnessed horrifies me as a Canadian and as someone who wore a uniform for every Canadian. There are many things to discuss, but failure of leadership, failure of intelligence gathering, and failure of proactive policing should be at the top of the list. What we can never stop talking about is that these people were organized. These had embedded in them trained veterans, trained ex-police officers, who organized and orchestrated the occupation of our capital of our country.
I’ve experienced 21 death threats since February, I have been doxxed, I have been harassed, and I won’t stand down against those that will scare or hope to scare marginalized communities of Canada.”
You can view the full testimony here.